Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Using Mock & Koji

After wasting 2 weeks of trying to build my own spec file from scratch, It's a pain to say that I need more time to fully understand some of the macros used in my privoxy build. privoxy's spec file although short, has lines meant for advanced builders. It's a real challenge for a noob builder like me!! :)

On the brighter side, building a spec for nled walked me through the basics I need. The "How to Create an RPM Package" and the "Maximum RPM" are both good resources.

Using Mock

The "Using Mock to test package builds" page has all the instructions and links needed for a successful mock build (In which I noticed that my build was slower compared to using rpmbuild-ba). I also followed the instructions for setting up SELinux policy for mock.

Using Koji

Using Koji in Fedora is also pretty straight forward. Setting up my certificates and uploading my build didn't take long.

Here's an image of my build status:


I'm putting off my tests for rpms to work on the armv7tel project. I only have a project page draft for now, but I'll make sure to document everything.

Details on my armv7tel project can be viewed here


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